“The work you’ve put into Animated Truth Ministries to make it usable and accessible to everyone is excellent! The love for the Lord, His Word, and for people to know Him through Animated Truth Ministries comes through clearly and blessed me greatly…I look forward to recommending it to people.”
until they don’t.
If you’ve worked with tweens and teens you’ve seen it. The same things that attract young kids to VBS, repel them as they get older. Animated Truth Ministries delivers engaging, Bible-based programs that will meet middle school and high school students on their level. So at that critical age when they have the most questions, we help keep them involved and provide answers.
What Our Clients Say
“I know God didn’t call me to kill giants, but He did call me (and all Christians) to spread His Word. Participating in Animated Truth Ministries as a student and later as a leader, was a fun way to do that.”
Hannah Smiley
“Here are a few things I’ve heard teens who attended Animated Truth Ministries programs say. ‘It’s fun!’, ‘I want to do this again!’ But the one that sticks with me is, ‘I didn’t know that was in the Bible.’ Which is a great testimony to what Animated Truth Ministries is about.”